Unit 4: The Entity Relationship Model
Databases often hold a great amount of data. In order to build a database, we need to understand which entities should hold data and identify the connections that may exist between entities. In this unit, we will learn about the Entity-Relationship model, which will allow us to create a graphical view of the different elements of a database as well as the relationships between them. We will also learn the drawing conventions of the E-R model using a part-to-whole approach, beginning with those conventions used to represent a single entity, and concluding with conventions used to represent all relations in a database.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 9 hours.
4.1: Why Use an E-R Model
Watch this lecture.
Read this chapter, stopping at the "Degree of a Relationship" section.
- Answer all of the questions in this quiz.
4.2: Elements in the Model and Respective Symbols
Read this chapter from "Degree of a Relationship" through "Entity Sets".
Read this page.
Read this page.
4.3: The Enhanced ER Model
Read this page.