Unit 5: Security Solutions
In this unit, we explore some of the common solutions for security issues that are currently in use. For securing web-based applications such as e-Commerce, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly used solution to enable security of transactions. It makes use of public-key based encryption and symmetric encryption during the transaction to ensure security. We also look into a protocol called Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) to secure communications.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.
5.1: Security Protocols and Solutions
Watch this video about cryptographic concepts related to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure Shell (SSH), and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec).
5.2: Internet Protocol Security
Read section 5.6 about Internet Protocol for securing communications. After reading this section, describe the two modes for IPSec: AH and ESP. Also try to explain how to use AH and ESP to build VPN (tunnel mode and transport mode).
5.3: Secure Sockets Layer
Read section 5.7 about the SSL family of protocols for securing transactions over the Internet. When reading this section, please pay special attention to the diagram in Figure 5. You need to be able to explain the message flows in Figure 5 for SSL/TLS.
5.4: Pretty Good Privacy
Read section 5.5 about Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), one of today's most widely used public-key cryptography programs.