• Course Introduction

        Welcome to PRDV103: Interviewing Skills. This course is the third in a series of four courses included in the Job Search Skills Program that also includes Job Search Skills, Resume Writing, and Professional Etiquette. The Interviewing Skills course is intended to help you showcase your personality, strengths, interests, and abilities to potential employers. At this stage of your career exploration, you will have researched and targeted appropriate jobs and have marketed yourself to these employers with an attention-getting resume. If you have not already done so and feel you would benefit from more information about how to conduct a successful job search, or how to formulate a resume that gets you that interview, please explore the other exciting courses in this track.

      • Unit 1: Before the Interview

        As in any worthwhile endeavor, you will need a plan of action to ensure your dreams come true. The interviewing stage of your job search is where you will have an opportunity to convince employers that you are just the person they have been looking for! Of course, as in any journey, you must take the initial steps necessary to arrive at your desired destination. This unit will help you prepare for that exciting, yet often anxiety-producing interview that lies ahead. Please watch our introductory video to learn more about the resources in this unit.

        Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.

      • Unit 2: During the Interview

        Every step in the job search journey you have taken so far has brought you to this stage: the interview process. You have probably sent out gazillions of resumes that reflect your education, experience, and career goals to potential employers of interest to you. You now have been invited to visit a company and convince the interviewers that you are the perfect person for the job! This unit offers resources to help you optimize the brief time you will spend with interviewers to learn more about their expectations, to convince them that you are the best fit for the job, and to determine whether acceptance of an offer would help you accomplish your career goals.

        Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.

      • Unit 3: Negotiating Compensation

        Discussions of salary requirements during the interview can be tricky. There are no absolutes about when you may be asked your salary requirements: It can be during the initial screening interview on the telephone, casually asked during the interview, or during a second (or even a third) interview. Whenever salary questions arise, you are expected to have knowledge of comparable positions in your labor market as well as your competitive market value. The resources in this unit will provide guidance to assist you in researching this information and to prepare you to get the salary you deserve!

        Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.