Unit 1: Before the Interview
As in any worthwhile endeavor, you will need a plan of action to ensure your dreams come true. The interviewing stage of your job search is where you will have an opportunity to convince employers that you are just the person they have been looking for! Of course, as in any journey, you must take the initial steps necessary to arrive at your desired destination. This unit will help you prepare for that exciting, yet often anxiety-producing interview that lies ahead. Please watch our introductory video to learn more about the resources in this unit.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.
1.1: Make a Positive Impression
1.1.1: Put Your Best Foot Forward
In this reading we are reminded that, "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." The authors offer suggestions for appropriate clothing, grooming, and jewelry, and remind us that, "The way you dress is how you want an employer to think of you."
1.1.2: Dress for Success for a Particular Industry
What may be considered appropriate dress for one employer may not be the best selection for another type of job. Employers from various industries offer their opinions on which apparel is best for a first impression, an interview, and a career fair. Read the introduction and click on an industry under male or female to learn the critique of the model's appearance for that type of industry.
1.2: Preparing for the Interview
Click on this link to read about several relevant interview topics. Begin your reading by clicking on the "general phases of the interview" to learn what to expect on the "big day." This resource offers a brief description of seven phases of the interview process, beginning with "Before you Go In" to "Making a Decision," that will assist you in making the right career choice. Other links on this page cover such topics as "Dos and Don'ts of Interviewing, "Truths You're Never Told about the Job Interview," and other thought-provoking links.
This article describes techniques and tactics to study prior to your first interview and differentiates between competency and behavioral answers. For example, click on "Top Ten Critical Success Factors" halfway down the page to learn personality traits, skills, and abilities that "nearly every employer is seeking." To rise above the competition, the author suggests that you prepare to show your competence in as many of these areas as possible. Links are listed that lead to many relevant articles such as "Ten Tough Interview Questions and Ten Great Answers."
"On the day of the interview, there should be no surprises." To present yourself most effectively, this article describes six steps in the job interview preparation process, beginning with knowing your goals for the interview to specific logistics such as the name and title of the person you'll be seeing, approximate travel time, parking, and so forth. The focus on the day of the interview is to appear confident, well informed, and enthusiastic. Debra Wolf also includes an Interview Preparation Checklist and a Job Interviewing Quiz in this article on Job Interviews. You may click on these titles in the Table of Contents on the right of the page or click on the links below to go directly to those articles.
Take this quiz to assess your knowledge about how to prepare for a successful interview. Click on "Get the Answers" to learn the correct answers to the quiz.
Unit 1 Assessment
Please take this assessment to check your understanding of the materials presented in this unit.
- There is no minimum required score to pass this assessment, and your score on this assessment will not factor into your overall course grade.
- This assessment is designed to prepare you for the Final Exam that will determine your course grade. Upon submission of your assessment you will be provided with the correct answers and/or other feedback meant to help in your understanding of the topics being assessed.
- You may attempt this assessment as many times as needed, whenever you would like.