2.4: Discover the Truth About Multitasking
Many jobs and situations need multitasking, such as driving, riding a bike, or reading music while playing an instrument. This video describes why multitasking in more general terms is bad for our brain, and how we can be more productive by focusing instead of trying to multitask. Using the Pomodoro technique from above, try to focus instead of multitasking, and see how much you do.
In this video, Ralph provides a framework for commitment instead of multitasking and the difference between working "in parallel" and multitasking. Using the word multitasking is a misnomer, and we should focus on working "in parallel" as our paradigm for speaking about task management. Ralph’s focus is on engineering, but you can use his ideas outside of engineering.
After you have finished watching, spend at least 30 minutes writing about the difference between multitasking and parallel working. Give examples of times when you were multitasking when you should have been working in parallel and the toll doing so took on your work.