1.1: Basic Terms and Definitions in Excel
1.1.1: Cells, Rows, and Columns
What is a spreadsheet? In this reading, you will examine the basic building blocks of a spreadsheet. As you read, try to answer the following questions: What is the difference between a row and a column? Which is identified by a number, and which is identified by a letter? How are cells formed?
Examine and memorize the definitions of cells, rows, and columns below and see examples of each.
The first image is an example of a CELL. The highlighted rectangle with the number 215 is called B1, because on the grid it is the precise location of where column B meets row 1.
The second image is an example of a ROW. The numbers 734, 238, and 159 are entered in row 1.
The third image is an example of a COLUMN. The numbers 145, 657, and 987 are entered in column A.
1.1.2: Sheets and Workbooks
Read this article to learn how to use Excel to create a new spreadsheet, enter data, format numbers, create tables and calculations, and save your spreadsheet. Worksheets, also called sheets, are the workspaces on your screen that open when you start Excel. One or more worksheets makes a workbook. A worksheet may vary in size depending on your settings and screen, but it is totally adjustable, as you will learn.
When you have finished reading, try practicing what you learned! Open Excel, create a new spreadsheet, and enter in data. Don't worry if you are unfamiliar with how to organize data. You'll learn more about that in the next lesson. For now, enter in a list of numbers, then click on the Autosum icon. Now, change the format of the numbers to currency. What happens? If you want an extra challenge, try creating a table.
If you do not have Excel installed on your computer, you can download a free one-month trial here: https://products.office.com/en-us/try.