Unit 2: Theoretical Frameworks for Analyses of Ethical Dilemmas
In this unit, you will examine both classical and contemporary theories of ethics, as well as frameworks that can be used by decision makers to resolve ethical dilemmas. The five primary frameworks are the Common Good, Fairness or Justice, Utilitarian, Rights, and Virtue approaches. Each framework seeks to identify problems, gather facts, and assess solutions, but the method for assessing the viability of available solutions differs between the different frameworks.
While a policymaker may have a preferred approach to many problems, one approach may not be appropriate or feasible for all types of dilemmas political leaders may face. Knowledge of a variety of approaches and how each can be applied to a given situation is necessary.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 21 hours.
Unit 2 Assessment
Complete the quiz. Once you have done so, please grade yourself according to the answer key.