• Unit 5: Care for the Poor, Sick, Elderly, and Infirm

    Since ancient times, one of the recognized purposes of government has been to bind communities together and help care for one another. In this unit, you will examine government policies that seek to provide benefits for the poor, sick, elderly, and infirm. How do lawmakers and officials justify "taking” from some in the form of taxes in order to "give" to others in need of assistance? What are the ethical and legal limitations on such programs? These questions form the basis for inquiry in this unit.

    Social welfare dilemmas may be examined under the five frameworks discussed in Unit 2, sometimes resulting in different outcomes. You will see which frameworks lawmakers, judges, and officials tend to apply to different types of issues and circumstances. Understanding how these dilemmas are approached and resolved in practice is important for students of political science and public policy; it is also essential knowledge for those planning to enter the legal, public service, or lobbying professions.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 11 hours.