6.2: International Cooperation
6.2.1: International Institutions and Actors
One possibility for state cooperation involves participation in international organizations. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization, which means that all of its members are the states themselves. Nearly all states are members of the United Nations, which makes it particularly noteworthy in the international system. What are the current roles of the United Nations, and how does it potentially contribute to a cooperative international system?
This section expands on the discussion of the mission and roles of the United Nations, and also introduces a few other international organizations, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and ASEAN. Familiarize yourself with the general purpose of each of these organizations. This article also discusses non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations, both of which have significant influence in the international system.
This section describes collective security and collective defense, which are other avenues for cooperation among states in the international system. How would realists and idealists explain the formation of collective security or defense organizations?
6.2.2: Diplomacy
Watch each of these ten short videos. The videos should cycle automatically within the playlist. You can navigate the playlist on the right had side of the screen. Each video is comprised of a short interview with a U.S. foreign diplomat describing his or her work and perspective on diplomacy.
As you read this report, study the definition of “public diplomacy” beneath the heading, “Current Public-Diplomacy Programs.” How does this definition compare to the definition you just wrote? According to this definition of public diplomacy, diplomacy involves a wide range of activities, and this article offers practical examples of diplomacy in action. How powerful do you think diplomacy is in creating a cooperative international system?
6.2.3: Treaties and International Law
This article describes the development of international law. If you recall, the international system is characterized by “anarchy,” which means that no overarching government or authority exists. As you read this article, consider these questions: How does international law work in an anarchic system? What were some of the major events in the development of the body of international law?
This section specifically describes the sources of international law, which include treaties and conventions, court decisions, and resolutions and decisions of international organizations. Pay particular attention to the definition and explanation of treaties, as this is an important tool of international cooperation.