3.2: Individual Ideology
3.2.1: Liberalism
This section describes the ideology of liberalism. Liberalism values individual freedom, free economic systems, and democracy. As you read this section, consider how the ideology of liberalism compares to socialism or fascism. What sets liberalism apart? Also, pay close attention to the distinction between classical liberalism and modern liberalism. Classical Liberalism
For now, just read the material beneath the subheading “Classical Liberalism.” According to this reading, classical liberalism is characterized by two primary features: (1) a free market economy and (2) a democratic political system. Essentially, classical liberalism emphasizes the importance of freedom and individualism in both market interactions and political interactions.
This article expands on the previous description of classical liberalism by describing some of the key features of classical liberalism in more depth. According to this article, classical liberalism advocates for a government that only:
- Protects against foreign invaders
- Protects citizens from being wronged by other citizens
- Provides public institutions/works that the private sector cannot profitably provide
How does this compare to the roles of government as outlined the ideologies we’ve read about so far?
- Protects against foreign invaders Modern Liberalism
Now, read the section in this article entitled, “American Liberalism.” U.S. Democratic and Republican Parties both adhere to a derivation of classical liberal ideals. The words “liberal” and “conservative” have come to represent a different set of values in modern times. American or modern liberalism, equates with the “left of center” or Democratic Party in the United States. Modern liberals advocate for more government spending and oversight, stronger welfare programs, and liberal social policies. Libertarianism
Read the section entitled “Libertarianism” only. Libertarianism is another special derivation of classical liberal ideals. Like classical liberalism, libertarianism emphasizes individualism and freedom. However, modern libertarians advocate for the least amount of government possible. They desire a government that protects property rights and ensures order, but do not think it is the government’s place to regulate social policies, provide most social welfare, or be actively involved in world politics. What do you think is the proper scope of government activity in a society? Should governments stay out of citizens’ lives as much as possible, or is it better for government to intervene to try and improve social and economic conditions?
3.2.2: Conservatism Classic Conservatism
While classical liberalism emphasizes the sovereignty of the individual, classical conservatism emphasizes the importance of continuity for the preservation of order. Classical liberalism’s end goal is freedom, while classical conservatism’s end goal is stability. Classical conservatives also seek to maintain a society based on traditional values and the existing social hierarchy, since change can cause instability. Modern Conservatism
Read the section entitled “American Conservatism.” As mentioned, modern or American conservatism can actually more accurately be characterized as a form of classical liberalism. Modern or American conservatives are represented by the “right of center” or Republican Party. American conservatives seek less government involvement in the economy and are more interested in preserving individual freedom than actively promoting economic equality.
3.2.3: Feminism
Please read the introductory paragraphs, as well as the sections titled “History” and “Societal Impact.” According to this article, feminism can be defined as “the acting, speaking, writing, and advocating on behalf of women’s issues and right sand identifying injustice to females in the social status quo.” As you’ve seen, ideologies discuss human nature, the role of government, freedom versus equality, and other critical issues. As an ideology, feminism seeks to introduce gender into these conversations.
This section outlines the primary feminist movements in the United States. Pay close attention to the description of liberal feminism, socialist feminism, radical feminism, and multicultural feminism. How do these feminist-based ideological approaches suggest we should structure government and political life?
3.2.4: Environmentalism
Read the introductory paragraphs and the sections entitled “Definitions” and “Environmental Movement.” According to this article, environmentalism “is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment.” To environmentalists, one of the primary goals of government should be to encourage development that is sustainable. How does this compare to the goals of modern liberals, conservatives, or feminists?
This article compares environmentalism in the US to environmentalism in Europe. Like environmentalism, most ideologies take different forms in different countries. In this article, pay close attention to the continued mention of sustainability, as this is a critical feature of environmentalism.
3.2.5: Determining Your Own Political Philosophy
We have covered a wide range of political ideologies, and so in this final section, we will bring them all together. First, as you read this Boundless article, look closely at the image of the political spectrum. Where do you think that you fall on this spectrum? Are you in the center, left-of-center, or right-of center? Like many people, you may have a hard time answering this question definitively. Frequently, people are not wholly ideologically consistent, and tend to fall on different places on the spectrum depending on the specific social, economic, or political issue in question.
This article provides a brief overview of the ideologies we have covered in this unit. Keep in mind, when it describes “liberalism” and conservatism,” it is describing modern or American liberalism or conservatism. Where would you place each of these ideologies on the spectrum?