• Unit 3: Listening to Your Customers

    In contrast to actors who perform on television or in film, the stage actor performs in front of a live audience. Because there are no cameras to stop and restart in order to record a better version, the stage actor has to get it right the first time. Luckily, live audiences can communicate to the actors on the stage. They can shout, laugh, nod, scream, squirm, yawn, or even fall asleep. Actors can use audience reactions to make subtle changes in their live performance and also to make changes in between performances. Their use of audience feedback is similar to how customer service experts must gather feedback from customers by using effective listening skills. Also like actors, customer service experts should respond to both verbal and nonverbal indications of what their customers are feeling and thinking. This unit focuses on how you can use active listening to understand the messages your customers are sending, both verbally and non-verbally.

    Robert Baden-Powell, founder of The Boy Scouts, said, "If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk."

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 9 hours.