5.2: Civil Society
Watch this video. Civil society refers to all that goes on in public life, outside of institutions. Civil society includes interest groups, associations, nonprofit groups, and the media. While extra-institutional, these groups are integral to the political process.
Watch this video in which Indian civil rights activist and journalist Teesta Setalvad discusses the obstacles to creating a culture of nonviolence in India.
Watch this video. Since the late 1990s, civil society groups have mobilized in South Africa to protest government corruption. In recent years, anti-corruption efforts have spread across the continent against political and corporate elites.
5.2.1: Social Movements and Activism
Read this article, which discusses the challenges of contemporary social movements.
Watch this video where author Naomi Klein posits the notion that a new generation of global activists is challenging the older, established environmental groups that have dominated advocacy efforts in the green movements over the past several decades.
5.2.2: Interest Groups
Read this chapter. Interest groups are an essential component of a properly functioning government. However, many believe that interest groups are bad for democracy for their ability to wield outsized influence on public policy. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?
5.2.3: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Read this article. NGOs are a critical component of any civil society and are a growing worldwide phenomenon. However, they face many challenges including lack of funds, poor management, limited capacity, and political interference. What suggestions does Bromideh put forth to address these obstacles?