2.2: The Modern State System
2.2.1: Hobbes and Sovereignty
Make sure you are clear on how Hobbes' view of the human behavior is tied to the need for a strong, centralized power.
Read this short article. In his seminal essay "The Politics of Vocation," German sociologist Max Weber argues that the state is essentially a form of government in which, even when not at war, there is an implicit assumption that internal peace is maintained by the potential threat of violence by the police and government. Written in 1919, this essay informed Weber's opinions and reflected his experiences while living in war-torn Europe.
2.2.2: Weber and the Modern State
Read this article, where the author delves into greater detail on Weber's classic work. Pay particular attention to Weber's characteristics of politicians and views on bureaucracy. What role does he see them serving within a nation-state?
2.2.3: Growth of the State System after the Second World War
Read this article. International law is largely a creation of the modern state system. In recent years, however, the concept of sovereignty, a key component of nation-statehood, has been overshadowed by a variety of international actors and organizations on the world stage. How have states adapted (or not adapted) to this new state of affairs?