1.2: Comparative Methodology
1.2.1: The Comparative Method
- Read this article. Consider the arguments that the author makes in favor of comparative analysis as a valuable component of political research.
1.2.2: John Stuart Mill's Methods of Comparison
Watch this video, which includes an introduction to the political philosopher John Stuart Mill. Mill was a pioneer in the field of comparative politics. The comparative method, also known as Mill’s Methods, involves determining the causes of political phenomena (i.e. the occurrence of democracy). The comparative method comprises the Method of Agreement and the Method of Difference. Political scientists utilize these methods to collect observations of the world and then use these observations to identify the causes of political events.
Read this article. Be sure to click on the links in the article to explore additional terms and themes.
1.2.3: Varieties of Methods in Comparative Politics
Read this article. What argument does the author make about the strengths and weaknesses of each research method?