7.3: Asia
7.3.1: Overview of Asian Development and State Forms
Watch this video. Asia is considered a model of rapid political and economic development. Many scholars argue that a decades-long trend of liberalization, after a long history of political consolidation, has been a key factor in its economic prosperity. However, debates about human rights and political freedom continue to be points of contention between Asia and the West.
Watch this video. Across Asia, a new generation of women has emerged to challenge the international community on human rights and political reform. What tools are these young activists using to empower individuals and advocate for change?
Watch this video. Competition for economic dominance has forced many countries to compete against each other, particularly those which share the same geographic regions. What factors have led to these countries' current positions as global players? What are the political, economic, and social strengths and weaknesses of each country? What solutions does Lingle provide to address their respective problems?
7.3.2: Asian Case Studies China
Read this report. China currently has the world's second largest economy behind the United States. Its unprecedented economic growth puts it on track to becoming a potential world superpower within the next twenty years. What policies has China put in place to spur this phenomenal growth? What lessons can the United States take from China's experience?
Watch this presentation by human rights activist John Kamm. China has long been a target of non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other world governments for systematic human rights abuses. Issues involving freedom of the press, the one-child policy, capital punishment, and repression of minority groups have gotten world attention at the same time that China is becoming an economic and political superpower. How have China's leaders worked to reframe their human rights diplomacy in the face of these realities? Vietnam
Read this report. Land reform is one of the policy areas in Vietnam that has gone through a radical transformation from its origins as a collectivist enterprise. How has this change impacted families, agriculture, and the overall economy in Vietnam?