6.4: Foreign and Defense Policy
Use these slides prepared by Dr. Scott as a reference for taking notes while watching the Foreign and Defense Policy lectures.
Watch these lectures on foreign and defense policy.
Read this chapter. The United States has adopted many, sometimes competing, foreign policy goals over the years, from promoting peace in the Middle East to addressing the spread of HIV-AIDS. Today, it is putting its greatest emphasis on winning the war on terrorism and promoting trade in an increasingly global economy.
6.4.1: Making Foreign Policy: Key Players and Institutions
Read this article to learn more about the key players in foreign policymaking in the United States. As with all policymaking, many people have a hand in setting US foreign policy. The main objective of foreign policy is to use diplomacy to solve international problems, and to try to keep problems from developing into conflicts that lead to military conflicts.
In addition to the State Department's main goals, this publication reviews how the United States exercises diplomatic relations with foreign governments, international organizations, and the people of other countries.
6.4.2: American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future
Read this article, which reviews the major trends in the foreign policy of the United States from the American Revolution to the present.
Watch this video. Scholars Thomas Pickering and David Sanger discuss US foreign policy, focusing on the cultural and historical aspects of U.S foreign policy and US national security.
6.4.3: Global Policy Issues
Read this article. After the fall of communism, the United States was the world's sole superpower. Some of the emerging issues in this new world have included global investment, terrorism, the environment, and humanitarian aid.
Answer these ungraded questions to see how well you have understood the course material in this section.