6.3: Domestic Policy
6.3.1: Federal "Entitlement" Programs
Watch the first video, which explains how Social Security works. As you watch, think about governmental concerns over the program's long-term sustainability. Is privatizing Social Security, as many public officials have called for, a good idea? Then watch the second video, which discusses how Medicare works and provides a critique of the program's sustainability and financial viability over the long term.
Read this overview of the history and development of social security in the United States. Pay close attention to where and why Social Security began and how it has been reformed over time. The US Social Security program is the largest government program in the world and the single greatest expenditure in the federal budget.
Read the brief overview of Medicare and Medicaid - two governmental programs that provide medical and health-related services to low-income and elderly citizens. They are the largest "entitlement" programs in the United States. Then, download and read the Key Milestones in CMS Programs.
6.3.2: Public Assistance and Welfare Reform
Read this article on the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program. TANF became law in 1996 when President Clinton promised "to end welfare as we know it." TANF represents the most comprehensive social policy reform since 1935. The most significant change under welfare reform is that states, not the federal government, use TANF funds to operate their own programs, with minimal federal oversight.
6.3.3: Education Policy
Read this brief overview of the role of the federal government in education. Despite its prominent role, education and education policy is primarily the responsibility of state and local governments.
Watch this video. It features a panel discussion with US Education Secretary Arne Duncan and mayors and superintendents of Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago about their school reform initiatives. Topics include early childhood education, after school programs, US education competitiveness, and higher education.
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