5.2: Equality and Civil Rights
Read this chapter. Civil rights protect people against discrimination. They focus on equal access to society and to political activities such as voting. Groups that have been historically disadvantaged and discriminated against, such as African Americans and women, are vocal advocates for civil rights.
5.2.1: Roots of Inequality: The Civil War Amendments and Racial Segregation
Watch the first part of this two-part presentation on the Civil War amendments. In addition, click on the picture links under the Explore heading to learn more about the history of the civil rights amendments (also known as the "reconstruction amendments") and the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, which legalized the segregationist doctrine "separate but equal."
5.2.2: Political Pressure for Desegregation and the Civil Rights Movement
Watch the second part of this two-part presentation on key figures in the civil rights movement. Compare and contrast the tactics each of the featured civil rights leaders used to gain attention for the movement.
Watch the first three parts of this four-part presentation on the civil rights movement.
5.2.3: Civil Rights for Other Groups
Read this article, which examines the civil rights movements and obstacles to equality for African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, women, the disabled, and the LGBT community in the history of the United States.
5.2.4: Post-World War II Civil Rights Legislation
Watch this presentation to learn about how several presidential administrations pursued civil rights legislation.
Answer these ungraded questions to see how well you have understood the course material in this section.