3.2: Campaigns and Elections
Use these slides prepared by Dr. Scott as a reference for taking notes while watching the Campaigns and Elections, Elections, and Campaign Finance Reform lectures.
Watch these lectures.
Read this chapter. Elections are crucial in a representative democracy like the United States. They enable people to choose their leaders and thereby influence public policy. They endow elected officials with legitimacy. There are two main types of elections: primary and general elections. Candidates from the same political party contest for the party's nomination in primary elections. Candidates from different parties run in the general election, which decides who will take office.
3.2.1: The History of Campaigns in the United States
Read this article about presidential campaigns and the ways that the use of the media has changed throughout American history. Think about how presidential campaigns have evolved throughout your own life.
3.2.2: Nominations - Presidential, Congressional, and State Nominations
Watch this video about the Iowa caucuses and how Iowa voters play an important role in nominating candidates for president. Historically, the Iowa caucuses have served as an early indication of which candidates for president might win the nomination of their political party at that party's national convention, and which ones could drop out for lack of support. Think about the criticism that the Iowa caucuses' role is too important in the early nominating process. Many believe that because its population does not reflect nationwide demographics, it should not be portrayed as an indicator of the types of voters that turn out in the general campaign.
Watch this video, which explains how the states choose their delegates for the national party conventions. While watching the video, think about how complicated the system is - was it designed this way for a purpose? Are these contests a useful measure of presidential fitness?
3.2.3: Elections - Presidential and Congressional
Watch these presentations to learn about the unique structure of congressional and presidential elections in the American political system.
Watch this video, which discusses the role of the Electoral College in presidential elections. While watching the video, think about the implications that the Electoral College has on the American democratic system. When Al Gore won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election but did not become president, a national debate grew around the Electoral College system. Supporters of eliminating the Electoral College advocate a direct popular election of the president, which would give every voter the same weight in accordance with the "one-person, one-vote" doctrine. Opponents contend that this type of plan would undermine federalism and make presidential campaigns more remote from voters, as candidates might stress television and give up their forays into shopping centers and city malls.
Read this debate about whether or not the Electoral College should continue to play a role in selecting the American president. Which side - Ross Baker (pro) or Jamie Raskin (con) - do you think makes the more convincing argument? Why?
3.2.4: Campaigns - Context, Financing, and Strategy
Watch this presentation on the history and evolution of political parties in America.
Read each of these summaries about the role of money in politics. You may find some information surprising. The Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's premier research group tracking money in US politics and its effect on elections and public policy. It is a nonpartisan, independent nonprofit organization.
"Super PACs" have emerged as the dominant new force in campaign finance. Created in the aftermath of two landmark court decisions, these independent political action committees collect unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations and unions that they then spend to advocate for or against political candidates in the 2012 presidential race. John Dunbar of the Center for Public Integrity discusses who is behind these Super PACs and which candidates benefit most.
3.2.5: The Incumbency Advantage
Read this page, which offers charts on the financial advantages enjoyed by incumbents.
- Read this page, which offers charts on the historic re-election trends for members of Congress.
Read pages 1-71 to learn about redistricting - what it is, how it works, and why it matters. Unlike in many countries, the redistricting process in the United States is viewed as being overtly and acceptably political. Why do you think this is the case?
3.2.6: Campaigns and Elections in the Information Age
Read this section and watch the embedded videos. This section discusses the impact of new media on the electoral process, and how social media has created new opportunities for campaign engagement for political candidates and voters alike.
Answer these ungraded questions to see how well you have understood the course material in this section.