2.3: Political Participation and Voting
Use these slides prepared by Dr. Scott as a reference for taking notes while watching the Political Participation lecture.
Watch this lecture.
2.3.1: Voting Behavior and Voter Turnout
Watch this two-part presentation on voting behavior, voter turnout, and how these change depending on certain conditions.
Read this report, which discusses key voting trends, such as the wide gap in youth turnout between presidential and midterm elections, the rise in early voting, and the continued growth of the Latino electorate. The report concludes with a discussion of issues related to voter registration, early voting, and their potential to improve - or hinder - future voter participation.
2.3.2: Enfranchisement and Trends in Political Participation over Time
Read this article, which discusses the women's suffrage movement in the United States and how women finally won the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
Answer these ungraded questions to see how well you have understood the course material in this section.