1.1: The Challenge of Democracy and the American Political System
Read over this brief list of questions, which will be addressed over the course of Unit 1. You should use it as a guide before each subunit to help you determine some of the most important material to be covered. At the end of the unit, use it as a resource for reviewing important terms and concepts.
1.1.1: The Purpose, Role, and Impact of Government
Read this section. Politics is essentially the exercise and use of power within a society. Various types of power are used within different political systems. This reading provides a foundation for understanding the democratic form of government as practiced in the United States.
Use these slides prepared by Dr. Scott as a reference for taking notes while watching the Introduction to Democracy lectures in this unit.
Watch this introductory lecture on democracy and American government from Dr. Scott's podcast. The first five minutes are a brief overview of the course, specific to Dr. Scott's class at Missouri State University. The content explained in the overview will be helpful; however, do not pay attention to the course requirements or assignments.
1.1.2: Meanings of Democracy
Watch this introductory lecture on democracy and American government.
While democracy is governed by its most popularly understood principle, majority rule, it cannot be the only expression of supreme power in a democracy. The majority would too easily tyrannize the minority. The Founding Fathers understood this and worked to fashion a government that would balance these two concepts.
Answer these ungraded questions to see how well you have understood the course material in this section.