Great Books of the World
What is Great Books of the World?
Great Books of the World is a collection of public domain ebooks from Project Gutenberg. Over 400 of the most beloved and respected books are represented. This version was put together in October 2013.
Who created and maintains Great Books of the World?
The original collection was created by Norberto Mujica to help and support educational needs where there is no Internet access. It is being used in many places around the world. It is currently maintained by Jonathan Field.
How can I send my comments or suggestions about Great Books of the World?
You can send your comments and suggestions by email to or . Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Is this offline compendium of Project Gutenberg content under any license?
Yes. The Project Gutenberg ebooks are distributed under The Project Gutenberg License. In summary, they can be distrbuted non-commercially in unmodified form.
The thumbnail images were gathered through the public Google Books API. If you find any images that violate intellectual property rights, please notify either of the maintainers listed above and the images will be removed. This is in compliance with the Google Books Terms of Service.
The book summaries were gathered from Wikipedia. This content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The large book on the index page was created using an image from Moxylyn at deviantART. The small book in the top left of each page was created using an image from AlzirrSwanheartStock at deviantART. Attribution must accompany the images.
The remaining content of this offline version (HTML) can be distributed for under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It can be distributed freely but may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose. You must keep the attribution and the "About" section (about.html).

Where can I get other offline educational content?
Great Books of the World is also part of the RACHEL initiative, a World Possible project making rich educational materials available in locations with no internet connectivity, or where the bandwidth is very limited.
You can see more details in the World Possible RACHEL page. There is also an online sample of the RACHEL content, useful for visualizing what is available in an offline RACHEL server.
RACHEL also includes a pre-configured and ready to run Raspberry Pi version