Share My Lesson Webinar: Teaching Soft Skills With Career Girls

Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Last week Career Girls had the pleasure of hosting a webinar for Share My Lesson, a great website which hosts our lesson plans along with thousands of other useful resources for teachers and students alike.
This lesson centered around the importance of teaching soft skills. Technical skills are needed to be considered for a particular job, but soft skills will advance your overall career path and accomplishments. Girls should begin developing these skills as early as possible; building relationships and learning how to work in a team are valuable tools that will last a lifetime.
Success in a career is more than just completing your given assignments. It’s going beyond the task and working towards the future. Here is a breakdown of the top soft skills companies look for.

Developing these characteristics take time, practice and patience. The more you put yourself into new situations, the more you will grow and learn. We have empowerment lesson videos that will inspire you to begin building your soft skills today and everyday. Here’s a great video on Integrity to get you started!