Don't Forget! Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day April 27th

Friday, April 21, 2017
By Katie Del Vecchio
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day will take place on April 27th all across the country. Kids will get to explore what their parents and mentors do for a living. It’s a chance for them to step into a career and see what it really takes to become a professional in any field they want. This year's theme is “Count on Me” which showcases work life balance and helps children understand the value of education.
Empowering our youth to become excited about their futures is a mission we believe strongly in. Keeping an open dialogue about education is great, but it becomes real when kids can actually see what hard work and dedication can provide for them.
We have partnered with the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation and created a facilitator guide filled with lesson plans and activities to help keep the day running smoothly. This guide can be used both inside and outside of the class and are great for sparking conversations about careers to keep kids excited about their education and futures.
Be sure to register for the event and don't forget to download a free copy of our Career Girls Facilitator Guide!