Staying Safe on Campus

Friday, September 2, 2016
The first day of school is right around the corner! College is a time for you to explore new
opportunities and try as many things as possible. The experience you have as a freshman will
be unlike any other. Everything is new and you will want to really dive into all of the clubs and
programs your school has to offer. You will have more freedom to make your own choices and
with that comes more responsibility. This means having fun but staying safe at the same time.
Learning your campus layout and surrounding yourself with other responsible people should be
first on your list of things to do when you arrive at school.
Melissa Darcey wrote a great article for Safe Wise where she lists nine simple steps to maintain
your safety at all times. You can read the article here
It is easy to get distracted with the excitement of your new life but staying safe on and off
campus should be your top priority. If you use your best judgement and follow these tips you will
be setting yourself up for a successful college career!