National Safety Month

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
June represents the start of summer and is also National Safety Month, a time to prepare and learn how to stay safe. This year’s theme is Safe for Life, and each week focuses on a different topic that will help keep you safe in a time of need.
Week 1 (June 1-12) Stand Ready to Respond: Being proactive can help save your life or the life of others. No one ever knows when something tragic will happen, but if you are prepared and have knowledge of safety plans you can successfully navigate through an incident. This can be anything from knowing CPR to simply staying calm and knowing proper evacuation procedures.
Week 2 (June 13-19) Be Healthy: The National Safety Council highlights health in the workplace, but that can be expanded to staying healthy in school, as well. And that includes both physical and mental health. When you're stressed, not only can your work suffer, but you might also be feeling physical or emotional pain. Being healthy is a safe way to ensure a successful lifestyle.
Week 3 (June 20-26) Watch Out for Dangers: This week focuses on always knowing your surroundings. Growing up in elementary school, the phrase was “Stranger Danger.” As I got older it became “Know your surroundings.” These phrases are useful when walking around not only at night or in a new place, but everywhere you go. The latter can also be taken literally, as in “watch your step”. A more abstract take is to know who’s around you and if you get a weird vibe, cross the street, walk a little faster and have your phone ready to call for help if needed.
Week 4 (June 27-30) Share Roads Safely: With summer and warm weather comes more bicycles and motorcycles on the road. It’s the perfect time for long road trips with friends and family. As a driver, you need to be focused on the road and your surroundings at all times. This means not being distracted by the phone or radio.
Keeping communities safe involves many different people in a variety of careers from EMT’s to firefighters. Check out these two clips of our firefighter role models Aisha Krieger and Veronie Steele-Small, and remember to stay safe this summer!