Monday, April 4, 2016
STEAM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Currently STEM programs are at the forefront of education. But, by bringing the arts into the mix, we can help teach students how to creatively apply what they have learned in order to improve their problem solving skills. Training students in STEAM teaches them to solve the problems of the future, such as making strides in the medical field, finding new sources for energy, and growing our economy.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the inclusion of the arts in STEM programs. The arts include all arts: liberal, language, social studies, physical arts, fine arts, and music. Incorporating the arts teaches students to approach problems from different perspectives. Some may think this will dilute the STEM focus on strictly core academic subjects. However, taking an artistic or creative approach to projects and activities that utilize math and science, offers students another way to comprehend complex subject matter.
It’s more than just test scores. We can’t have kids just memorizing facts and expect them to be truly learning. Art education is known to improve academic performance. On average, according to the University of Florida, students who study four years of the arts in high school score 98 points higher on the SAT’s than students who only take half a year or less of arts education. Art expands the way you think. You are no longer stuck in the box of right or wrong. There are now other methods and possibilities. Communication and collaboration skills improve, which are two important and valuable factors in having a successful life.
Integrating the arts into lesson plans will also get students more involved. If a student is excited about learning, they will want to continue to learn, and enjoy going to school. The goal is to encourage life-long learners, free of test score pressures that make learning stressful, and to create a future filled with smart, creative individuals who will help contribute to the growth of our society. Check out our youngest STEAM role model Sasha Williams who’s not only a 14-year-old coder, but also an actress, singer and dancer!