Women and Sports

With the recent victory of the U.S women’s soccer team, I thought it’d be a good time to talk about women and sports. Women are pushing their way through this male dominated field and owning it. Sports anchor Kate Scott speaks about being one of the few women reporting on sports.
Being a woman in this field may mean having to work harder in order to prove yourself and gain respect amongst your peers. This could be reading up on a team, watching videos of anchors you admire or reading articles from sports writers who have influenced you. Take what you find inspiring and make it your own.
While playing any sport is fun and rewarding within itself, not many girls realize they can create a career out of their skills and knowledge. Passion is the foundation for any successful career.
I encourage everyone to go out and play any type of sport, traditional or otherwise. Playing sports will help provide an understanding of teamwork, strategy and problem solving skills. There is a common goal everyone is trying to achieve, and win or lose, you are taking away a valuable experience that can be applied to just about any aspect of life.