There Is a Club for Everyone!

School is more than just making sure you’re getting to class on time and achieving good grades. Yes, these are important aspects of your everyday school life, but there’s so much more you can be doing to get involved with school on a different academic level. Sure, sports are a great after school activity, but there are many other organizations and clubs you can join that can help make a difference within your school and community.
Find something you’re passionate about and stick with it. Joining one or two clubs that you truly care about will look better on college applications than joining many groups that have little benefit for your life. Colleges want to see what you have learned and your accomplishments while being in an organization. Student Government, volunteering, playing an instrument, mock trial and the debate team, or simply having an after school job where you learn responsibility and leadership are all great opportunities to expand your skills beyond the classroom.
Student government is a great club to enhance your involvement with the decisions made for your grade. Strong leadership skills can be built through this program, from learning how to organize a fundraiser for the school dance to gathering the student body for spirit week. The knowledge you will gain on how to be a great leader will travel with you throughout your life. Joining the debate team will increase your ability to put together information in a thoughtful and educated manner; this can be an extremely powerful tool for any situation in and outside of school.
Any after school activity will strengthen your confidence, and leadership. Along with increasing your social network you will hopefully be making a difference within your community. The main take away is to try different activities that spark an interest, and once you find one you love, stay with it throughout the course of your school career. Discover what you love about it and learn as much as you can. This knowledge will benefit you in the future!