Hard Work Pays Off!

As summer is in full swing and the baarbeques are blazing, I’d like to take some time to remind everyone that just because school is out for a few months, this does not mean you should stop working hard towards your goals, academic or otherwise. I’mnot saying to skip the beach or the next movie night but just to set aside some time each week to concentrate on staying your best. Our role model Noelle Bowlin describes the importance of hard work in this great clip!
Whether your goal is to make the varsity team or to become an engineer, you need towork to achieve it. Dedicating time to improve your skills will help bring you above the rest of the competition. Working hard does not always have to be a chore or done alone. It can be as simple as reading an article that interests you, inspiring you to learn in different way. Grab some friends and make a game out of it, you’ll be staying sharp without recognizing it.
Working during the summer may sound uncool and boring, but when it comes time to show your skills you’ll be on top! Being a hard worker is valued in every aspect of life; throughout school and your career you will need to prove you’re worth the position. Learning how to discipline yourself and work towards a goal now will help prepare you for all of your future endeavors and accomplishing a goal you’ve workedhard for is an amazing feeling!