Becoming Inspired

When an idea strikes, do you just let it flow through you? Write it down and never go back to it? Or do you follow through with it? Having an idea can be for anything- joining a new club, a design you want to create, an idea for a story, or starting a new job or switching majors. Having the courage to actually jump into something new is a scary thought. It can sometimes take all you have just to say yes to a commitment. But don’t be discouraged from trying just because of the possibility of an unfavorable outcome. Some of the best ideas can come from failures. How do we find inspiration to begin a new part of our lives?
First, I think a good old fashion pros and cons list works pretty well. Put on your favorite tunes and write out a list of positive and negative outcomes. Music can help motivate the brain. See which outweighs the other. Let’s say the negative side has a longer list, but your gut feeling is still saying yes. Do it! As long as you have thought about some of the negative possibilities and you still feel good about your choice, then you should absolutely go for it.
Go for a walk and talk with someone who you admire and believe will give you honest feedback. Being outside in the fresh air will help circulate thoughts. Talking it out with another person will help get you out of your head and into some different perspectives on the situation. Seeing things from another point of view will help you understand more clearly what the best options are for your needs.
Take a hike! Literally. Being in nature is a great way to spark creativity. Hiking allows you to step away from technology for a moment and collect your own thoughts, instead of being influenced by the Internet. The trees surrounding you are producing oxygen that helps your brain function better, therefore supporting the thought process.
Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. No matter what you are looking to achieve, you will need some type motivation to get you started, and the courage to know you can accomplish your goal. When you are stuck or scared, take a minute. Its ok to say “ I have to think.” Collect your thoughts, create a plan and go for it! Get out there and write the best story you have ever written, join a club that will change your life for the better or start a new career path! Here’s some instant inspiration to get you started!