Version 14
Created by Boundless
Epithelial Membranes

General organization of the gastrointestinial tract
Illustration of mucosa in relation to other lining components.
This is a chart showing the general organization of the gastrointestinial tract. The chart illustrates mucosa in the body in relation to other lining components as four boxes. The bottom box on the chart is labeled Serosa or Adventitia. The box above it is labeled Muscularis Propia and this is related to circular muscle, Auerbach's (Myenteric) Plexus, and longtitudinal muscle. The their box above is labeled Submucosa and is related to Meissner's (Submucosal) Plexus. The top box is labeled Mucosa and relates to the epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa.
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