Version 14
Created by Boundless
Characteristics of Connective Tissue

Structural elements of connective tissue
Connective tissues consist of three parts: cells suspended in a ground substance or matrix; and most have fibers running through it.
This is a drawing of the structural elements of connective tissue. It depicts cells suspended in a ground substance or matrix, with elastic and collagen fibers running throughout the matrix. CT is classified into two subtypes: soft CT and specialized CT. The soft CT subtype—loose, dense, and elastic tissues—are found in parts of our skin, tendons and blood vessels. The special CT subtype includes cartilage, bone, adipose tissue, blood, and lymphatic tissue, and provides a structural framework for the body and connects body tissues.
Boundless vets and curates high-quality, openly licensed content from around the Internet. This particular resource used the following sources:
"Anatomy and physiology of animals loose connective tissue."