Tissues in the Human Body
The human body has many levels of structural organization. The simplest level is the chemical level, which includes tiny building blocks such as atoms. Cells are the smallest functional units of life. The simplest living creatures are single cell creatures, but in complex life forms, such as human beings, cells also exist in the tissue level.
Tissues are groups of similar cells that have a common function. The four basic tissue types are epithelial, muscle, connective, and nervous tissue. Each tissue type has a characteristic role in the body:
- Epithelium covers the body surface and lines body cavities.
- Muscle provides movement.
- Connective tissue supports and protects body organs.
- Nervous tissue provides a means of rapid internal communication by transmitting electrical impulses.
Organs: Made of Tissues
An organ is a structure that is composed of at least two or more tissue types and performs a specific set of functions for the body. The liver, stomach, brain, and blood are all different organs and perform different functions. Each organ is a specialized functional center responsible for a specific function of the body.
At the organ level, complex functions become possible because of the specialized activities of various tissues. Most organs contain more than one tissue type. For example, the stomach consists of smooth muscle tissue for churning movement while it is innervated, but it is also supplied by blood, which is a connective tissue.
The next level is the organ system level. Many organs working together to accomplish a common purpose create an organ system. For example, the heart and the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system circulate blood and transport oxygen and nutrients to all the body cells.

Levels of Organization
Molecules form cells. Cells form tissues, and tissues form organs. Organs that fulfill related functions are called organ systems. An organism is made up of interconnected organ systems.