Everyday low price (EDLP) is a pricing strategy promising consumers a low price without the need to wait for sale price events or comparison shopping.
EDLP saves retail stores the effort and expense needed to mark down prices in the store during sale events, as well as to market these events. EDLP is believed to generate shopper loyalty. It was noted in 1994 that the Wal-Mart retail chain in America, which follows an EDLP strategy, would buy "feature advertisements" in newspapers on a monthly basis, while its competitors would advertise 52 weeks per year.
Procter & Gamble, Wal-Mart, Food Lion, Gordmans, and Winn-Dixie are firms that have implemented or championed EDLP. One 1992 study stated that 26% of American supermarket retailers pursued some form of EDLP, meaning the other 74% were Hi-Lo promotion-oriented operators.
One 1994 study of an 86-store supermarket grocery chain in the United States concluded that a 10% EDLP price decrease in a category increased sales volume by 3%, while a 10% Hi-Low price increase led to a 3% sales decrease; but that because consumer demand at the supermarket did not respond much to changes in everyday price, an EDLP policy reduced profits by 18%, while Hi-Lo pricing increased profits by 15%.
An example of a successful brand (other than the infamous Wal-Mart) that uses the EDLP strategy is Trader Joe's . Trader Joe's is a private-brand label that conducts a Niche marketing strategy describing itself as the "neighborhood store. " The firm has been growing at a steady pace, offering a wide variety of organic and natural food items that are hard to find, enabling the business to enjoy a distinctive competitive advantage.

Everyday Low Pricing at Trader Joe's
Trader Joe's is not an ordinary store. It is unique because it doesn't require membership for its customers to enjoy its low prices. Its everyday low prices are available to everyone.
Apart from the many strengths of Trader Joe's, the most prominent is their commitment to quality and lower prices. The company has worked hard to manage this economic image of value for its products that competitors, even giant retail stores, are unable to meet. Trader Joe's is not an ordinary store. It is unique because it does not market itself like other grocery stores do nor does it require its customers to take out a membership to enjoy its low prices.
At Trader Joe's, its everyday low prices are available to everyone. The firm states that "every penny we save is every penny our customer saves" (Trader Joe's 2010).