B2B versus Consumer Marketing: Similarities and Differences
Consumer marketing, or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing, sales are made to individuals who are the final decision makers, though they may be influenced by family members or friends. A business marketing, or business-to-business (B2B) marketing, sale is made to a business or firm.
Buyer Behavior
Whereas emotional factors play a large role in B2C purchases, B2B purchasing decisions tend to be less emotional and more task-oriented than consumer buyer markets. Business customers often look for specific product attributes such as economy in cost and use, productivity, and quality. Additionally, B2B purchasers generally spend more money, as the buying process tends to be more complex and lengthy.
Buyer-Customer Relationship
While consumer marketing is aimed at large groups through mass media and retailers, the negotiation process between the buyer and seller is more personal in business marketing. Sales representatives and marketers are often assigned to market to individuals who act as influencers or decision-makers in the customer organization. The bulk of a consumer's interaction with a brand typically happens via an advertisement, promotion, or transaction. In contrast, B2B marketing can include numerous meetings between the seller and buyer before a transaction occurs.
For example, B2B marketers often present products and their benefits in private presentations to key decision-makers. The B2B organization may also invite prospects and customers to public or private events to facilitate further conversations. As a result, confidence and trust are gradually built between the seller and buyer over a period of time. Significant time and money are spent during the evaluation and selection process, resulting in strong brand loyalty among B2B customers.
Communications Channels
Although on the surface the differences between business and consumer marketing may seem obvious, there are more subtle distinctions between the two, with substantial ramifications. The evaluation and selling process for B2B purchases are longer and more complex than consumer purchases. However, business marketing generally entails shorter and more direct channels of distribution to target audiences. Different aspects of the promotional mix can be easily personalized due to the relationship between a B2B salesperson and the individual buyer.

Customer Event
Promotional channels such as events provide ways for B2B sellers to move prospects along the buying process.
Most business marketers commit only a small part of their promotional budgets to general advertising, usually through direct marketing efforts and trade publications. For example, a business marketer may allocate spending to banner advertising or paid search. Similar to consumer ads, these advertisements lead to landing pages, where marketing messaging aims to convince web visitors to submit a form, download a brochure, or register for a webcast. While business advertising is limited, it helps generate leads that marketing can pass along to sales representatives.
Similarities between B2C and B2B Marketing
Marketing to a business and marketing to an individual are similar in terms of the fundamental principles of marketing. Both B2C and B2B marketing objectives reflect the fundamental principles of the marketing mix, and in both situations, the marketer must always:
- Successfully match product or service strengths with the needs of a specific target market
- Position and price products or services to align products and service offerings with the market
- Communicate and sell products or services so that they effectively demonstrate value to the target market