Differences with Conversation
It may seem rather simple: isn't public speaking just a form of conversation with an audience? At the most basic level, that might seem true. But under closer inspection, public speaking and conversation are, in fact, two very different things.

Differences in Conversation
While public speaking involves imparting a message to others, there are key differences between public speaking and casual conversation.
Public speaking is defined as "the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners." Conversation, on the other hand, "is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette."
You may already notice the similarities: both conversation and public speaking involve speakers and audiences, as well as messages exchanged between the two parties. Depending on to whom you're speaking, you'll adjust your message based on both your audience and the context of your speech or conversation. And of course, a good conversation and a good speech both share elements of compelling and engaging storytelling.
But, for the most part, that's where the similarities between conversation and public speaking end. There are three key differences that set public speaking apart from conversation: organizational structure, use of formalized language, and method of delivery.
Organizational Structure
Speeches and public addresses are far more organized than everyday conversation. A public speaker organizes his or her thoughts in a speech by using three basic structural elements: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Conversations can wander and meander without ever coming to a point. Speeches are deliberately structured and organized, whereas conversations are not.
Use of Formalized Language
When you sit down and have a conversation with a close friend, either face-to-face or via text message or chat, you might find that your language and tone are far more casual than if you were to sit down and have a conversation with, say, your doctor. Public speaking formalizes language that much more. When speeches are designed to "inform, influence, or entertain," they require a certain formality of speaking compared to a casual conversation between friends. Slang, profanity, and poor grammar might be accepted between friends but are definitely not appropriate for any kind of public address or speech.
Method of Delivery
You hear the phrase "strike up a conversation" more than you hear "strike up a speech" because conversations are far more spontaneous than public speeches. And don't let extemporaneous speaking fool you: extemporaneous speeches merely involve speaking about a subject with no written notes and are not to be considered truly spontaneous. Conversations can spring up anywhere. Public speaking is often organized into events and venues with a set time and location. Public speeches may also fall within certain time constraints, whereas conversations can be as brief or as long as those involved are willing to participate.