What is RACHEL?
RACHEL, the Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning is a combination of freely available software and content modules that make it easy to bring online educational materials into places with limited or no internet access. The content is available in multiple languages and can be customized to suit local needs.
Who makes RACHEL?
RACHEL was originally developed by Norberto Mujica when he saw the need while visiting rural schools in Guatemala. It is now developed, supported, and installed by the non-profit World Possible as part of their ongoing efforts to improve education in underserved schools.
Who uses RACHEL?
You, right now! Also, tens of thousands of learners around the world, in schools or communities that lack sufficient internet access. There are RACHEL users in countries on just about every continent, with more getting access every day.
Where can I get RACHEL?
RACHEL can be built from scratch using free software and off-the-shelf hardware. You can learn more about it online at: rachelfriends.org. You can also purchase pre-configured RACHEL servers from our online store at: racheloffline.org. All proceeds go back into the non-profit World Possible, which develops, supports, and installs RACHEL.
What browsers can be used with RACHEL?
Our goal is to make RACHEL as compatible as possible, so it should work with most browsers in common use, including many older ones. If you are looking to install a new browser, Chrome is a popular choice because it is fast, lightweight, and includes robust support for video and flash content. You can download Chrome from Google at: www.google.com/chrome/browser.
Is RACHEL under any license?
Yes. The core RACHEL package is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This means you can use and distribute this offline version except for any commercial purpose, like selling it in any way. You can only distribute it for free, and you must keep the attribution and the "About" section (about.html).
The educational content included in RACHEL are available under a variety of licenses that allow free usage under a variety of terms. Please check each individual module for details. All content is available for free online.