Reuse of faeces and urine from ecological sanitation
Practical Action
References and further reading
Fertile Waste: Managing your domestic sewage, Peter Harper, 1994,
Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ, United
Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)1654 702400 Fax: +44 (0) 1654 703605. ISBN 1 89804
902 5 GBP£4.50
Lifting the Lid: Ecological approach to toilet systems, Peter Harper with Louise
Halestrap, CAT (address as above) ISBN 1 89804 979 3
Low-cost Sanitation; A survey of practical experience, J. Pickford, 1995, Practical
Action Publishing, ISBN 9781853392337
Environmental Sanitation, S.A. Esrey, U. Winblad et. al. 1999 SIDA. Sweden.
Composting Toilets website
Ecological Sanitation in India and Sri Lanka, Paul Calvert
Ecological Sanitation a Success in Sri Lanka Paul Calvert, Ajith Seneviratne, D.G.J.
Premakumara and Udani A. Mendis Waterlines Vol.21 No 1 July 2002
Toilets that Make Compost P Morgan Practical Action Publishing 2008
Shit Matters Mehta and Movik Practical Action Publishing 2010
Toilets that Make Compost: Low cost, Sanitary Toilets that Produce Valuable Compost
for Crops in an African Context. Morgan, Peter (2007), EcoSanRes Programmer,
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
Human Waste (Excreta and Wastewater) Reuse. Strauss, Martin (2000) SANDEC,
Logistics Aspects of Ecological Sanitation in Urban Areas: Case Study in Low-income
Community in Dehli, India. Slob, Marieke (2005)WASTE, The Netherlands.
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater: Volume 4, Excreta
and Greywater Use in Agriculture. WHO (2006), World Health Organisation (WHO),
Geneva, Switzerland.
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems.
Schönning, Caroline and Stenström, Thor Axel (2004), EcoSanRed Programme,
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
Ecological Sanitation. Esrey, S. A., Gough, J., Rapaport, D., Sawyer, R., Simpson-
Hebert, M., Vargas, J. and Winblad, U. (1998)SIDA, Stockholm, Sweden.
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems.
EcoSanRes (n.d:a), EcoSanRes Fact Sheet 5. EcoSanRes, Sweden.
Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production. EcoSanRes (n.d:b).
EcoSanRes Fact Sheet 6. EcoSanRes, Sweden.
Should Ecological Sanitation Carry a Health Warning? Assessing the Health Risks of
Ecological Latrines. Scott, Rebecca (2006), WELL Briefing note 27. WELL,
Loughborough University.
Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production. Jönsson, H.,
Stintzing, A. R., Vinneras, B. and Salomon, E. (2004), EcoSanRed Programme,
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
Practical Action Technical Briefs Sanitation and Waste
Useful websites
WASTE (a Dutch NGO) is doing a large amount of work on ecological sanitation. Information
can be found at
A Swedish funded ecological sanitation research group provide a wide range of useful
information at
The German international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development, GTZ, provide a
wealth of technical information at