Collapsing latrine pits
Practical Action
Pits in unstable soils should not be made too deep as a pit collapse during the excavation may
have serious consequences for the people digging. It should be possible to dig a 2m pit with
relative safety for the builders. Should the soil collapse it would only fill half of the pit, and
the person at the bottom would only be covered up to waist level. This should allow the person
to breathe while help is organized.
Further reading
• Pit Emptying Systems Boot, N. (2007). Practical Action Technical Brief
• Simple Pit Latrine. Chatterton, K. WEDC.
• Latrine Buidling: A Handbook for Implementation of the SanPlat System Brandberg,
B. Practical Action Publishing 2002
• Toilets that Make Compost P Morgan Practical Action Publishing 2008
• Shit Matters Mehta and Movik Practical Action Publishing 2010
Also see
Construction of simple improved pit latrines
This technical brief is an extract taken from
Brandberg, Björn (2002) Latrine Building: A handbook
for Implementation of the SanPlat System, pp.36-8
Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK. ISBN 97818533930
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