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< prev - next > Water and sanitation Rainwater harvesting domestic rainwater harvesting tank training maunal (Printable PDF)
The training concept adopted for the training program is based on a time-tested teaching/training
methodology that first tells, then shows and finally lets the trainees actually do what has been taught.
1. Tell them: first tell the trainees what they should know and do and why
2. Show them: then show them how through the use of visuals and clear descriptions
3. Let them do it: finally involve the trainees in the actual construction of the prototype model toilet
The focus of the training will be on the actual step-by-step construction of a typical eco-san toilet in which
trainees get hands-on experience in constructing a toilet from the top of a ready built foundation to the roof
as well as an adjacent plant bed. The overarching requirement of quality must be emphasized throughout
the training program.
Trainers are required to become thoroughly familiar with the training document and be sure to adopt the
above described training concept in implementing the training program. All instruction must be clear,
audible and readily understood by all trainees. Invite trainees to inform the trainer on occasions when
things said are unclear. Be helpful and courteous when communicating with trainees. Be positive and
enthusiastic when discussing the importance and usefulness of rainwater harvesting. Keep in mind that
many trainees will have many questions to ask because of being unfamiliar with rainwater collection
systems. They have to be assisted in developing a positive view of its relevance and usefulness in specific
locations where annual rainfall does not meet the annual water needs of people. It is vital to emphasize the
importance of ensuring quality in all aspects of construction of Ferro cement rainwater tanks. This can best
be done when instructing at lecture sessions as well as in actual construction of the prototype model that
trainees will share in building. Trainers must endeavour to make lecture sessions interactive by asking
questions and inviting questions and opinions from trainees. Also stress the need for punctuality and active
participation, not passive listening and observing only, throughout the program. Each trainer must be
conscious of sticking within the time allocated for each session and plan each session accordingly. The
training will cover five full days as indicated in the schedule given below.
It is essential that all needed equipment and tools need for each day's activities as well as handout
documents are on hand at the start of each day. For lecture sessions, ensure that flip charts and marker
pens etc. are on hand. It is advisable for trainers to make a checklist of what is required, thereby ensuring
that training sessions move smoothly. It is important to ensure that all participants fill in the attendance
register daily, and fill out and forward the evaluation form each will be given at the end of the program.
On the first day of the program invite all participants to introduce themselves and indicate which
institution they represent. The trainer who introduces the program must give a brief overview of what will be
covered during the five day period of the training. At the beginning of each day the trainer opening the day's
sessions must outline the program for the day.
It is best for two trainers to share in conducting training sessions in order to introduce variety and sustain
the interest of the participants. Ideally a single trainer will instruct for 30 minutes the most and will be
followed by the next. Both trainers will take turns in sharing instruction. However, in practice each trainer
may have to conduct training instruction for 45 to 60 minutes.