Sustainable slum upgrading
Practical Action
of this research methodology has enabled more sensitive data to be gathered which has
highlighted the common misconceptions around slums and slum upgrading intervention. For
sustainability, any slum upgrading activity must be sensitive to the situation of an individual
community and culture, and not assume that the residents are unhappy living in desperate
poverty, as it has been shown, many choose to reside in a slum. Slums may be dirty, poorly
serviced and overcrowded but are also places of great human energy, community spirit, kindness,
hard-working, creative and happy places that many consider home.
References & Further Information
Cronin, V. (2011). Slum Upgrading in India and Kenya: Investigating the Sustainability. PhD
Thesis. Centre for Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Engineering Department.
October 2011.
Cronin , V. and Guthrie, P.M., 2011. Alternative approaches to slum upgrading in Kibera,
Nairobi, ICE Journal of Urban Design and Planning 164 June, Issue DP2, Pages 129–139
Cronin, V. and P. Guthrie (2011). Community-led resettlement: From a flood-affected slum to a
new society in Pune, India. Environmental Hazards. Volume 10, Number 3, 2011, pp. 310-
326(17). Earthscan.
Hasan, A. (2010). High-density housing that works for all. Sustainable Development Opinion
Papers Urban Development, International Institute for Environment and Development. March
The Voice of Kibera:
Developer led slum upgrading - Nana Peth, Pune:
Community led slum upgrading - Hadapsar, Pune:
Sustainable Slum Upgrading was written by Victoria Cronin based on her PhD research
conducted at the Centre for Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Engineering
Department. July 2012.
Photos: Victoria Cronin
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