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< prev - next > Food processing Snack foods KnO 100207_Cured Meat Products (Printable PDF)
Cured Meat Products
Practical Action
Preservative chemicals can be obtained from pharmacies in major cities or by mail order. The
following websites contain lists of international suppliers:
Sodium nitrite:
Sodium nitrate:
Butter and Ghee, Practical Action Technical Brief
Guidelines on Small Slaughterhouses and Meat Hygiene for Developing
Countries, Mann, I., WHO, Geneva, 1984.
How to HACCP. Dillon, M and Griffith, C., M.D.Associates, Cleethorpes Enterprise
Centre, Unit 43, Jackson Place, Humberston, Grimsby, South Humberside DN 36
4AS UK. 1999.
Hygiene and safety rules in food processing. Practical Action Technical Brief.
Opportunities in Food Processing : setting up and running a small meat or fish
processing enterprise, Axtell, B.L.A. and Fellows, P.J., (Eds.), CTA, 2003.
Further reading
Dried salted meats, Norman, G.A. and Corte, O.O., FAO Animal Production and
Health Paper # 51, FAO, Rome. 1985.
Handbook of Meat Product Technology, Ranken, M.D., Blackwell Science, 2000.
How to Clean. Dillon, M and Griffith, C., M.D. Associates, Cleethorpes Enterprise
Centre, Unit 43, Jackson Place, Humberston, Grimsby, South Humberside
DN 364AS UK. 1999.
Meat Processing for Small and Medium Scale Operations, Ibarra, P.I., University
of Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines, 1983.
Practical Food Smoking, Walker, K., Neil Wilson Publishing, Glasgow, UK.
Small Scale Food Processing : a directory of equipment and methods, 2nd Edition,
Azam-Ali, S., Judge, E., Fellows, P., and Battcock, M., Practical Action Publishing,
Small-scale Manufacturing of Beef Biltong in Botswana, Sandel, A and Minett, P
Botswana Technology Centre, Gabarone, Botswana.
Small-scale Processing of Beef, Technical Memorandum #10, ILO, Geneva, 1985.
Small-scale Processing of Pork, Technical Memorandum #9, ILO, Geneva, 1985.
The Food Hygiene Handbook, Sprenger, R.A., Highfield Publications. Doncaster
DN5 7LY,UK. 2002.
Tools for Agriculture: A Guide to Appropriate Equipment for Smallholder Farmers,
Practical Action Publishing, CTA & GRET, 1992.
Support organisations
Agromisa Foundation, P.O. Box 41, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Botswana Technology Centre, PO Box 0082, Gabarone, Botswana. Tel: +267
314161, Fax: +267 374677, Email:, Web:
Dairy & Meat Officer (Institutional Support & Training), Animal Production &
Health Division, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy,
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Ethiopia, P.O. Box 5689, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel: (251-1) 613215. Fax: (251-1) 611-892. E-mail: Website:
ILRI-Kenya, P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: 254-2 630743. Fax:254-2
631499.E-mail: Website:
Strengthening African Food Processing,