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< prev - next > Food processing KnO 100644_Baking (Printable PDF)
Practical Action
Yeast is supplied as dried powder or granules, or as a block of fresh pressed yeast. In either case, it
is essential that the yeast is active (alive). Dried yeast has a shelf life of one to two years, provided it
is stored in an airtight container and kept in a cool, dry place. Fresh yeast must be stored in a
refrigerator if it is to be kept for more than a few days, but even at refrigeration temperatures it
begins to lose its activity after only a few weeks. To test yeast activity, a standard ball of dough is
placed in water and timed to see how long it takes to float to the surface. The test is based on
assessing gas production (or the activity of the yeast to inflate the dough).
Process control
Process control in a bakery involves accurate weighing of ingredients, control over baking
temperatures and times and correct handling procedures for products. Instruments used for process
control include weighing scales, thermometers and timers, and it is important that they are handled
carefully and checked regularly for accuracy. Operators should be given training to conduct the tests
properly, and should be supervised to ensure that accurate information is recorded. All bakeries
should have a regular cleaning routine, with each operator knowing what to clean, how often and to
what standard.
Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L., 2004. Opportunities in Milling and Baking Processing - setting up and
running a small flour mill or bakery, CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands
Further information
A selection of books on bakery and baking ingredients can be found at
Baking and Baking Science, Prejean, W., 2007, available at www.bakingand
Baking for Profit: starting a small bakery, Bathie, G., 1999, Practical Action Publishing,
Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby, UK.
Baking Problems Solved, Cauvain, S. P. and Young, L. S., 2001, Woodhead Publishing,
Biscuit, Cracker and Cookie Recipes for the Food Industry, Manley, D., 2001, Woodhead
Publishing, Cambridge.
Bread Making: improving quality, Cauvain, S. P., (Ed.), 2003, Woodhead Publishing,
The Complete Manual of Small-scale Food Processing, Fellows, P.J., 2012. Practical Action
Publishing, in preparation.
This document was written by Peter Fellows for Practical Action, March 2012.
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