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< prev - next > Food processing Food Hygiene and Safety aflatoxins the invisable threat in foods and feeds (Printable PDF)
About the author
Ranajit Bandyopadhyay is a
plant pathologist at IITA based
in Ibadan, Nigeria. He is
responsible for IITA’s Africa-
wide research and
development activities related
to diseases of maize, soybean,
cowpea, cassava, banana, and
yam. His current research on
mycotoxins focuses on
developing an understanding
of their occurrence, the bio-
ecology of toxigenic fungi,
policy and institutional issues,
and methods to manage
mycotoxins with focus on
biological control and
integrated management.
This Technical Innovation
Brief is published by:
SP-IPM Secretariat
Inoculated sorghum grains broadcast in the field.
– R. Bandyopadhyay
The atoxigenic strains are inserted into a carrier (e.g.
sorghum) which acts as a fungal food source and is applied to
crops 2-4 weeks prior to flowering. For small fields the product
can be tossed onto the crop by hand. The strain profile shifts
from one dominated by aflatoxin producers to one in which
atoxigenics dominate, resulting in reduced contamination of
the crop. The positive influences of atoxigenic strains carry
over between crops, providing additive effects across years. A
single application benefits not only the treated crop but also
crops in rotation. Additionally, because fungi move throughout
the environment, as the safety level of fungal communities
within treated fields improves, so does the safety of fungal
communities in areas neighboring treated fields. The
technology also brings benefits into storage. First, there are
fewer aflatoxin-producers moving into the store, and secondly,
the biocontrol agents stay with the crop until use. Thus,
competitive exclusion in the field translates into a decreased
risk of contamination during storage and transport.
A technology highly suitable and beneficial for small producers in Africa
Biocontrol in the field has proved a useful method for preventing aflatoxin contamination in maize and groundnut.
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) conducted trials in Nigeria. Native atoxigenic strains
reduced contamination by up to 99%. The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control
(NAFDAC) gave IITA provisional registration to begin testing of the inoculum of a mixture of four strains under
the trade name aflasafe™. In 2009, maize farmers who applied aflasafe™ achieved, on average, an 80%
reduction in aflatoxin contamination at harvest and 90% after storage. Private and public sector engagement is
now necessary to introduce the technology country-wide and at regional level, as with the widely used AF36 and
Afla-Guard™ products in the USA.
When various aflatoxin management practices were evaluated, it was
found that biological control is one of the most cost-effective solutions
in Africa. Wu and Khlangwiset (2010) applied health-based analyses
of cost-effectiveness to the method in Nigeria. Although the analyses
examined only impacts on the incidence of liver cancer, the potential
payoff is compelling. Estimating the cost-effectiveness ratio (CER) as
the gross domestic product multiplied by disability-adjusted life years
saved per unit cost, the study revealed that the CER of treating all
maize fields in Nigeria rated between 5.1 and 9.2, rising to between
13.8 and 24.8 if treatment were restricted to maize for human
aflasafeTM to reduce aflatoxin contamination
in maize. – R. Bandyopadyhay
The reality in future
Biocontrol is highly effective, but some contamination is inevitable. Thus, aflatoxin management cannot solely
rest in biocontrol. It must be blended with traditional management as well as the redirection of contaminated
crops to alternative uses to avoid human exposure. Governments and industry need to establish standard
procedures for effective low-cost testing and alternative uses of contaminated products. Contamination levels
>20 ppb are unsafe for human consumption but the crop may still be utilized for animal feed as long as
contamination does not exceed 300 ppb in feed for mature beef cattle or 100 ppb in feed for swine. Other
alternative uses include ethanol production. When such rules are established, the crop can be managed for
maximum value without risking human exposure to unacceptable aflatoxin concentrations.
Further reading:
Cotty, P.J. and Jaime-Garcia, R., 2007, Influences of climate on aflatoxin-producing fungi and aflatoxin contamination.
International Journal of Food Microbiology 119: 109–115.
Hendrickse, R.G. 1984. The influence of aflatoxins on child health in the tropics with particular reference to Kwashiorkor.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 78: 427–435.
Lewis, L., Onsongo, M., Njapau, H., Schurz-Rogers, H., Luber, G., Kieszak, S., Nyamongo, J., Backer, L., Dahiye, A., Misore,
A., DeCock, K., and Rubin, C., 2005. Aflatoxin contamination of commercial maize products during an outbreak of acute
aflatoxicosis in Eastern and Central Kenya. Environmental Health Perspectives 113: 1762–1767.
SP-IPM, 2009. Advances in Preventing and Managing Contaminants in Foods, Feeds, and the Environment. IPM Research
Brief No. 7. SP-IPM Secretariat, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 40 pp. (accessed
29 September 2010).
Wu, F. and Khlangwiset P., 2010. Health economic impacts and cost-effectiveness of aflatoxin-reduction strategies in Africa:
case studies in biocontrol and post-harvest interventions. Food Additives and Contaminants 27: 486–509.
SP-IPM Steering Committee Members:
Sikora, R (Program Chair); Nwilene, F (AfricaRice); Ramasamy, S (AVRDC); Staver, C (Bioversity); Buruchara, R (CIAT); Nicol, J (CIMMYT); Kroschel, J (CIP); Yahyaoui, A (ICARDA);
Chabi-Olaye, A (icipe); Sharma, H (ICRISAT); Narrod, C (IFPRI); Bandyopadhyay, R (IITA); Heong, KL (IRRI); Bramel, P (DDG –R4D convening center, IITA); Hoeschle-Zeledon, I
(Program Coordinator, IITA)