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< prev - next > Food processing Food Hygiene and Safety KnO 100260_Making safe food (Printable PDF)
Making Safe Food
Practical Action
Processing Methods
Take extra care over hygiene when preparing dairy, meat or fish products. They can cause
dangerous food poisoning if special attention is not given to hygiene. All raw meat and poultry is
more likely to carry bacteria which can
poison if they are encouraged to
multiply. Knives and any other
implements used on these foods should
be washed straight after use and before
they are used on other foods. The same
applies to chopping boards and work
surfaces on which they have been
Hands, dish and kitchen cloths should
be washed frequently, and kitchen
surfaces should be kept clean to
prevent cross contamination between
meat and poultry and other types of
Preparation surfaces and utensils
should be washed between uses for
different foods.
Never share utensils with someone preparing different foods.
Storage and Packaging
Always keep raw materials away from
processed foods.
Flies, bluebottles, rats, mice and other
vermin contaminate food with bacteria
from their droppings or their bodies.
Flies and bluebottles can breed in rotting
meat and lay eggs in it. They also feed
on excrement of all kinds and transfer
the infection to food either by vomiting
on it or by walking over it with infected
feet. No food should be left uncovered
for them to land on.
All cupboard doors and lids of tins and
jars should fit tightly.