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< prev - next > Food processing Dairy cheesemaking (Printable PDF)
Cheese Making
Practical Action
Equipment suppliers
Cheese moulds
Servi Doryl, ZI Sud - BP 57 - 37130 Langeais, France, Tel: +33 (0)2 4796 1150, Fax:
+33 (0)2 47 96 11 51, E-mail on website at
Lehman’s, P.O. Box 41, Kidron, Ohio 44636, USA. Tel: +1 877 438 5346, +1 888
438 5346, E-mail:, Website:
Cheese presses
Lehman’s, P.O. Box 41, Kidron, Ohio 44636, USA. Tel: +1 877 438 5346, +1 888
438 5346, E-mail:, Website:
Cheese vats
Kleen-Flo Small Scale Dairy Equipment, 10180 S 100 E Lynn, IN 47355, USA, Tel: +1
765-874-1292, E-mail:, Website:
Curd cutters
Glengarry Cheesemaking and Dairy Supply Ltd., 5926 Hwy#34, RR#1, Lancaster,
Ontario, Canada, Tel: 1-888-816-0903 or 613 347 1141, Fax: 1 613 347 1167, E-
Mail:, Website:
Other cheese, butter & yoghurt making ingredients & equipment
Finest Kind, P.O. Box 1, Plettenberg Bay 6600, South Africa, Tel: +27 (0) 44 533
1623, E mail:, Website:
References and further reading
Dairy Science and Technology Education, Goff, D., University of Guelph, Canada,
Practical Action Technical Brief: Butter and ghee
Practical Action Technical Brief: Dairy Processing - an overview
Practical Action Technical Brief: Hygiene and safety rules in food processing
Practical Action Technical Brief: Pasteurised milk
Practical Action Technical Brief: Soured milk and yoghurt
Practical Action Technical Brief: Ricotta Cheese Making
Further reading
Applications of Biotechnology to Traditional Fermented Foods, National Academic Press.
Washington DC, USA., 1992.
Appropriate Food Packaging, Fellows, P., and Axtell, B., IT Publications, 1993.
Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods, Kosikowski, F.V. and Mistry, V.V. 3rd Edition, F.V.
Kosikowski and Associates, Brooktondale, NY. 1997.
Cheese Making Made Easy, Carroll, R. and Carroll, R., Storey Communications Inc., Ponnal,
Vermont, USA. 1982.
Cheese Making Practice, Scott, R., Robinson, R.K. and Wilbey, R.A. 3rd Edition. Applied
Science. Publ. Ltd., London., 1998.
Cheese Monographs. C. Pfizer and Co., New York. 1. Italian Cheese Varieties, 2. American
Cheese Varieties, 3. Cottage Cheese and Other Cultured Milk Products, 4. Ripened Semi-soft
Cheeses, 5. Swiss Cheese Varieties, 6. Lactic Starter Culture Technology, from Pfizer and
Company, Inc., 235 East 42nd. Street, New York. New York 10017.
Cheese, Davis, J.G., American Elsevier Publ. Co., New York., 1965.
Cheese: A guide to the world of cheese and cheese making. Battistotti, B., Bottazzi, V.,
Piccinardi, A. and Volpato, G. Facts on File Publications, New York, NY. 1983.
Cheese Making Illustrated, Fankhauser, D.B., University of Cincinnati Clermont College,
Batavia OH 45103
Cheesemaking in the Andes, Appropriate Technology, Vol. 20, No 4, March, 1994.
Dairy Processing - Food Cycle Technology Sourcebook, Aguhob, S and Axtell, B.L.A.,
Practical Action Publishing, UK. 1996.
Developing Cheese Co-operatives, Appropriate Technology, Vol. 29, No 1, March 2002
(1/2 page article about dairy farmers in Ecuador)
French Cheeses: The visual guide to more than 350 cheeses from every region of France.
Masui, K. and Yamada, T. DK Publishing, New York., 1966.