Cheese making in Ayacucho, Peru
Practical Action
Danny is a man of faith and even though he knows that since the project has ended he is no
longer directly responsible for obtaining aid, he will think of something or create some plan to
continue along the lines that have made sense of his profession and his life, after all: to
improve the standard of living of his people.
This document was written by Gabriel Reaño of Soluciones Prácticas in 2011.
Soluciones Prácticas
Av Jorge Chávez 275 - Miraflores
Apartado Postal 18-0620
Lima 18
Tel: +51 1 4475127 / 4467324 / 4447055
Fax: +51 1 4466621
Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. We know the simplest ideas can have the
most profound, life-changing effect on poor people across the world. For over 40 years, we have been
working closely with some of the world’s poorest people - using simple technology to fight poverty and
transform their lives for the better. We currently work in 15 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin