Adapting rice to saltier conditions
Practical Action
community. As the variety selection was done to find out the best performing variety in the saline
affected areas of the paddy lands, qualitative characters given the priority. Farmers in other areas
affected by the salinity gained knowledge form the trial and started cultivating best performing
varieties in their fields.
Organic farming practices together with the use of traditional rice varieties could bring a new
lease of life to the barren fields and economic benefits to the farmers.
• Bhonsle S.J., S. Krishnan. 2010. Grain quality evaluation of traditionally cultivated rice
varieties of Goa, India. Recent Research in science and technology. 2(6): 88-97.
• Pearson, G. A., Ayers, A. D. 1960. Rice as a crop for salt-affected soil in process of
reclamation. Washington, D.C.: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
• Rathnabharathie V. 2009. Success of traditional organic paddy cultivation in tsunami
affected fallow and marginalized salinity fields in Sri Lanka. Practical Action, Sri Lanka.
• R.B. Mapa, Dr. W.M.A.D.B. Wickramasinghe, D.N. Sirisena and K.M.A. Kendaragama. 2005.
Salt in the Soil. Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka
• Shilpa J. Bhonsle and S. Krishnan. 2011. Traditionally Cultivated Salt Tolerant Rice
Varieties Grown in Khazan Lands of Goa, India and Their Grain Quality Characteristics.
Journal of Phytology (Japan) 3(2): 11-17.
Adapting Rice to Saltier Conditions was written by Amruta Khatavkar of Practical
Action, October 2012.
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