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< prev - next > Environment and adaptation to climate change KnO 100163_Renewable Energy and Climate Change (Printable PDF)
Renewable energy, climate change and carbon funding
Practical Action
Tamil Nadu Wind Power Project, India – Annual savings in GHG emissions - estimated
50,0000 tCO2e5
This project sees the construction of 28 new wind turbines in India. The turbines have a total
capacity of 21.93 MW and will contribute towards greening Tamil Nadu’s electricity supply. By
providing renewable energy, the project helps to reduce India's reliance on fossil fuels for
electricity generation.
Solar Home Lighting, India Annual Savings in GHG emissions - 12,500tCO2e between 2004-
The project supports a company which sells solar lighting systems, replacing kerosene lamps, in
rural India. The solar systems include a small solar photovoltaic panel, a battery and energy
efficient lights,
(Note: TCO”e = tonnes CO2 equivalent)
Sources of Information
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership
(REEEP) is an active, global public-private partnership that
structures policy and regulatory initiatives for clean energy, and
facilitates financing for energy projects.
REEEP International Secretariat,
Vienna International Centre,
Room D1732, Wagramerstrasse
5, A – 1400 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 26026-3425
The Gold Standard Foundation offers a quality label to CDM/JI and
voluntary offset projects, fetching premium prices. Renewable energy and
energy efficiency projects with sustainable development benefits are
eligible. The Gold Standard is endorsed by over 44 non-governmental
organizations worldwide. Gold Standard projects are preferred by a range
of government and private actors.
The Gold Standard
c/o BASE
22 Bäumleingasse, CH-4051
Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)61 283-0916
Fax: +41 (0)61 271-1010
Most countries have joined the international treaty -- the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) -- to begin to consider what can be done to reduce
global warming. Recently, a number of nations have approved the
Kyoto Protocol, which has more powerful (and legally binding)
measures. The UNFCCC secretariat supports all institutions
involved in the climat change process, and oversees the CDM.
P.O. Box 260124
D-53153 Bonn
Phone: (49-228) 815-1000
Fax: (49-228) 815-1999
5 CarbonNeutral